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  • Eddy Current Separators | Kenny & Co Engineering gallery image 2

Eddy Current Separators

At Kenny & Co Engineering Ltd, we specialise in providing high-quality Eddy current separators designed to efficiently remove non-ferrous metals such as aluminium, die-cast metal, and copper from non-metallic materials. Our advanced recycling machinery employs a conveyor belt system that transports material across a magnetic rotor, facilitating effective separation. This process ensures that two distinct streams of material are discharged into a housing, where a splitter separates the valuable non-ferrous metals from non-metallic waste, including paper, plastic, wood, or auto shredder residue (ASR). With our Eddy current separators, you can maximise your recycling potential and enhance the overall efficiency of your waste management operations.

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Our Eddy current separators are custom-built to meet your specific input/output requirements, space constraints, and capacity needs. This bespoke design approach ensures that your separation system perfectly aligns with your operational demands, providing reliable and efficient recycling solutions.


In addition to our custom-built options, we also supply a range of off-the-shelf manufactured recycling machinery tailored to meet our clients' requirements. Our extensive selection guarantees that you will find a suitable solution for your waste management needs.


When you choose Kenny & Co Engineering Ltd for your recycling system, we will coordinate a convenient installation date. Our expert team will design the machinery with your site in mind, ensuring seamless assembly and connection for optimal performance.